Content Moderation for New Products
This is a follow up to “Content Moderation: Where We Are Now.“
If your product has user generated content (UGC), moderation is an essential burden. This is likely the last thing on your mind. You and your team have a vision of some great new thing. Dealing with the dark side here is a time suck distraction and cost. But deal with it you must. Products small to large haven’t fully solved this. The large scale social networks are the lightning rods, but all services contend with this. And you take pain from at least two sides; managing moderation itself, and the criticism from those who think you’re doing it wrong. Maybe too little. Maybe too much. Most likely just not “their” way. You need to have communications management in place to deal with this as well.
Spoiler Alert: At the end of this writeup is a link to a sample of how code classification for moderation can work.
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