Alright then… here’s the last entry, Part 3, in my series on my tips for international business travel. Everyone’s got their own stories and techniques so I might not be breaking any new ground here, but, it’s the Internet so who doesn’t need some more random opinions, right? There’s a Part 1 for Getting Ready and a Part 2 for En Route if you’re interested.
Managing Jetlag
Just suck it up cupcake. There’s probably not a lot you can do. Tons has been written about this. Some say to manage your sleep cycles in a certain way, take this pill or that pill, use various types of blue colored light therapy, etc. etc. Any or all of these may work for you, but just realize… you’re in for some crappy times. Your circadian rhythm controls your body’s daily agenda. So the comings and goings of the sun define our days and nights. When we mess with our time zone, we’re just going to feel it one way or the other. And then there’s just the discomfort of travel in general. Maybe you’ll love catching up on some books or movies in all that in between time. But basically, even in the better seats you’re going to have hassles. You’re going to be either bugging the person on the aisle because you have to use the bathroom or you’re getting your elbows smashed by the drink cart or whatever because you’re in the aisle. You weren’t so sloppy in planning that you ended up in a middle row for 10 hours, did you? Wow. That sucks. (Done it. Hate it.) [Read more…]